Wednesday, February 21, 2024

The Warner Siblings in Their Animal Pajama-Like Outfits + Another Traced Drawing...

 When it comes to these first three traced drawings that are of course, traced off of the character model stock art stuff. is that they're somewhat inspired by the DLC modules of the characters' animal pajama-like outfits for Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd (since I freaking love that game ever since I was in my teen years).

First up, Yakko's Gummibär pajama-like outfit!

And here's Wakko to parallel Yakko's pajama-like outfit!

Finally, here's Dot in a "Meowchi" themed pajama-like outfit!

Whoops, I even misspelled "because" in there at the time! 😅 Too bad that I don't have a spell checker in the real world unlike our electronic devices do (unless if I have time to look at a dictionary somehow).

Link: The Warner Brothers & Warner Sister Dedication Group | Here's Dot in a "Meowchi" inspired outfit | Facebook

Aside from those three, here's this random traced drawing with my little speech that I've written in my teen years about the Warners will rule the world as idols! Not to mention that the silhouettes are originally from the cartoon called: "Of Course, You Know This Mean Warners".

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