Friday, March 1, 2024

Animaniacslover666 AKA Annalise Becerra's Theory on the Warner Siblings Speaking the 'Pikachu Language' Is Dumb...

 Yeah, take her theory with a massive grain of salt honestly since she's just a young teenager making up this dumb theory at the end of the day. After all, this is NOT a harassment towards her in any way. Besides, she'll learn that this theory might've not aged well one of these days. And some cartoon theories out there are absolutely dumb as heck, and this one is no exception. Even though I'm not on Reddit as of yet, but I tend to look at some Reddit posts once in a bit of a while sometimes (just like with Twitter in a way but I feel like the people on Reddit in the way that've these users talked are much friendlier at times compared to that X site according to what I've seen and heard so far). As the title up above says so, I'm going to be talking about on why her one theory is just dumb in my opinion. Plus, you can find the original post through the r/animaniacs subreddit. And I'm not posting her pictures here either.

So, here's on what she has to say (in which I copied and pasted from the OG post)...

"Because they don't want to hire their voice actors or they just hired the voice of Pikachu (Ikue Ōtani) to do it just so they act and talk like a Pikachu"

Um... Okay then. But it also made me feel like this...

And to me, it doesn't make sense afterwards. 😐 But like I said, it's a pretty dumb theory. 🤷‍♀️ And when it comes to the Warners' quick silent cameos throughout different cartoons is that they're usually running away from Ralph T. Guard for most of the time. But in one cameo from a cartoon called: "Gimme a Break" that mainly stars Slappy (and Skippy) Squirrel on where she accidently pulls up the Warners while they're supposed to be enjoying their bath time privately. Plus, two out of the three Warners (Wakko and Dot) actually spoke in a quick random cameo. Not to mention the Warners hardly spoke at all in the tower escapes, chases, and returns of those various sequences throughout the OG show aside from one of them that I remember that had the Warners and Ralph saying the "Boingy, boingy, boingy!" catchphrase (that's been mainly used on the Warners themselves) while jumping on a trampoline. Aside from that though, she even brings up Bluey for no reason down in the comments section (despite the fact that I already know that she has an obsessional interest over that show just like with Pikachu and Pichu from Pokémon in a way). Plus, I don't think that Bluey and Animaniacs shouldn't go together since I feel like it's going to be quite jarring if that ever happened. And I'm even feeling something similar in a way as Keshia Anders (AKA KessieLou on DeviantArt) said to me that Sailor Moon and Animaniacs shouldn't go together as a crossover since it would make the Warners look like that "The Great Gazoo" alien from 'The Flintstones' that she told me about on Facebook within my one group many months ago as I'm writing this.

P.S. Please don't ask me if you wanna request me some Pokémon fanarts since I'm really not into that franchise nowadays but I did used to watch that weird 4KIDS dub as a little kid back in the day as I remember so far. But yeah, still not into that franchise since Digimon (in which it's a pretty similar series within its concept just like Pokémon as I've mentioned) like the OG series and Tamers grew on me over the years.

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