Friday, March 1, 2024

Dot Without Her Cutie Mark (Edit)

 Yeah, I feel like Dot should've never had that operation done if she was acting it out after all this time. And if she was actually sick that badly, she definitely would need it! Plus, it would've been more rewarding to see on how she survived after all this time! And also, I'm just gonna copy and paste my entire critique towards the ending of Wakko's Wish on how the Warners were written...

"Here's my final edit towards Wakko's Wish (as of within this very moment but who knows from months from now if I ever come back to this movie when it comes to this kind of stuff) but, I tend to have a problem, and this is also my pet peeve when it comes to this this movie is that the writers treat Dot like this freaking MacGuffin towards the end. I mean, she was the MacGuffin after all this time, really. 😒 And she deserves better than being this useless plot device! Plus, this nearly killed the entire movie for me! 😠 Not to mention that Dot herself was pretty selfish for gaining this "cutie mark" (AKA beauty mark) that she doesn't really need if it was ever a reward towards her... Especially that she was faking her illness throughout the entire movie that made Yakko (who's basically like the only one noticing this as I know of) to be somewhat self-aware at some point. And speaking of Yakko, I feel like he should've had a talk with both of his siblings in a certain scene to make them realize on what they're doing is wrong in a way (especially towards Dot) rather than brushing it off like it was nothing when it comes towards to Dot's "acting lessons" in the end, that is. And it would've been nice to see the Warners learning their own mistakes rather than ending it off right away after Wakko got this two ha'pennies and already spent on the stuff they didn't need and try to make up for it by being actually responsible on what they need just like on how they helped most of the villagers in Acme Falls. Heck, they lost their creativity within this movie in which I just find it sad more than that dumb fake-out death in my opinion. Speaking of that fake-out death scene, it feels like Dot treated (or at least the writers) treated everyone like they're gullible as heck while including King Salazar and the audience watching the movie! And this is why I think 'Dot's Death' doesn't work or even make me cry at the very least. Plus, I feel like that Dot's Death' just tries too hard to be sympathetic. 🙄 

When it comes to gullibility, Wakko was the most effected character to be victimized from it since he wasted his time to work his butt off just for a single ha'penny as an entire year's work (that was unfortunately stolen by Baron von Plotz AKA Mr. Plotz just for taxes, but I honestly didn't care about that neither way). If Dot was actually sick in the movie, I wouldn't say that Wakko didn't waste his time at all. But just like Yakko said, "Try us, we're gullible." despite a part of me that feels like that Yakko shouldn't be able to cry towards his sister's fake-out death like that. Aside from those things, even the final song and reprise towards to "Never Give Up Hope" hits differently whenever they say, "Don't be a dope!" when the Warners never told us that they've made some irresponsible mistakes of their own and basically just ignored their mistakes like that mime in a way. Oh, speaking of the mime, I feel like Yakko should NEVER EVER wasted his own wish onto somebody like the mime for instance when they can't get their wish granted for whatever reason! 

And yeah, the ending for Wakko's Wish was pretty flawed and problematic at worst when it comes to the Warners themselves dealing with their own responsibility for their personal things (aside from the royal stuff and making mostly everybody else happy). And to me, I feel like the Warners themselves deserve NOTHING if they're gonna help out others properly just to make themselves "look good" rather than themselves like that in which I think they deserve neither a good or bad ending. After all, I just find some weak writing spots and clichéd things about this movie that I can say... Even though it's not as bad as the 2020 reboot at least. 

P.S. If you like this movie, I can respect your opinion even though we may not totally agree with each other."

Besides, if the Warners were written better, I wouldn't mind a happy ending for them! 😊

Anyway, here's a comparison of Dot with and without her "cutie mark"...

Here's the original/unedited shot...

And here's my edit that I've used Pixlr X/Pixlr Editor in this case.

Plus, here's the Facebook link on where I copy and pasted that critique that I've already written about before I made this post on this blog: The Warner Brothers & Warner Sister Dedication Group | Here's my final edit towards Wakko's Wish (as of within this very moment but who knows from months from now if I ever come back to this movie when it ... | Facebook

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