Friday, April 26, 2024

Another Traced Drawing of Freyja Wion 🟡

 But this time, this isn't traced from Macross Delta (unlike that previous post was) but actually from an ending from 'Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W' or AKA 'Nyaruko-san: Another Crawling Chaos' and with this ending that I traced off of a certain character named: 'Nyaruko' but I just replaced her with Freyja instead. After all, this pose came from an ending called: 'Wonder Nanda? Katamoi' (Wonderナンダ?片思い).

Is it just more or not a lot of people talking this ending? Of course, the two opening themes that were in the Miracle Girls Festival game were quite popular along with the first opening had a meme with MMD videos with the (」・ω・)」UHH! (/・ω・)/ NYA! part became a meme as I used to saw it back in the middle 2010's.

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