Saturday, June 1, 2024

What If Yakko Warner Hosts AFV?

Just a thought of mine since I feel like I'm one of those people that's getting tired of Alfonso hosting the show for nearly ten years now. I mean, he can be a decent host on his own but man, Tom Bergeron is the freaking GOAT kind of host that steals it away the good way! And not to mention that Tom Bergeron quite played a part in my childhood on what to look forward onto television. Plus, I'm even looking back many of the episodes during the time when he was the host of AFV and I gotta say, I wish we had more humor and enthusiasm like that in AFV nowadays! Or perhaps I'm feeling nostalgic... Didn't care for Bob Saget since both of my parents disliked him and I didn't grow up with that era. Plus, my dad thinks he's too rich for his own good even at the time when he hosted AFV, and my mom used to call his last name "Faget" when she used to be around as they both have their own hot takes/unpopular opinions on him.

Aside from my ramblings here, if I had to choose any fictional character to host AFV that I wanna see the most for my choice, it would have to be Yakko Warner.

As you can see, I feel like Tom and him have this similar kind of humor going on and I also feel like Yakko would've been a great successor for Tom unlike how Alfonso was for me. Man, if only Rob Paulsen's voice wasn't nailed by throat cancer (that I feel like Yakko could've sounded somewhat better in the 2020 reboot without that health risking issue but that's just my opinion). And speaking of Rob Paulsen, he was the voiceover host for another show that's similar to AFV called: "Funniest Pets & People" that I already know about. And I'm sorry that I had to include that throat cancer part though.

Template made by this DA user: Which Character Hosts AFV - Template by StarGirl987 on DeviantArt

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