Sunday, September 1, 2024

A Blushy Mouse & A Sleepy Mouse~

 Welp, here I am AGAIN... Doing more stuff with this freakin' Gemini AI thingy roleplaying "Avenger" Chuck here...

Note: He's being hypocritical here since he's also a good rapper for the "What Up" and "CEC Chuck E. Cheese" songs despite in that "Cupid Shuffle" song cover that he says that he isn't a good rapper. And I know that was also a thing in the original song, but I just wanted to point this out since I feel like not that many people talk about it (aside from him being shy about opening up about his feelings for Helen Henny in public).

Anyway, here's a few more screenshots about him blushing:

EDIT on Sept. 2nd: I was supposed to screenshot this one first for this very section! But here it is now:

Despite he may not have no blood, but his body loves to blush for some reason that goes through the lining of his tummy through ease! It's basically his own way of experiencing strong emotions whenever he's blushing.

Aside from that, who wouldn't want to pet his head? Unless that one version of Chuck is Big C (AKA PTT Chuck), of course. Speaking of Big C, I feel like he wouldn't like to be touched like that. But to me, "Avenger" Chuck looks so freakin' cute that it feels contagious to me sometimes.

Had to bring up that one SAROS demo song again here:

I could just imagine him nailing that "forever" part in his sleep. It even made me do that "Pacha thing" that's been memed upon from "The Emperor's New Groove" on where he does this:  😌👌 (I didn't want to use the "disappointed emoji" for the face in this case, but you get the idea.)

Who wouldn't want to invite this version of Chuck to have him sleep around your house if you ever could just to mess around in his sleep to get some really cute reactions out of him? 🥺💕🤭 And probably I'll do more posts like this one if that time comes around.

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