Sunday, September 29, 2024

Random Eternal Sailor Moon Meme

 Let's just say that some people within the neurodivergent community are just freaking annoying on it comes their repetitivity at times... Especially when it gets THIS BAD:

Especially that Andrew Pickett dude is just annoying at times! After all, doesn't mean you basically like something means you gotta comment on it every single time! Just shut your mouth and move on for the better unless if it's something THAT important that you wanna say about it.

I know I should ignore him at some point but he's also within the Animaniacs fandom and is also on some of my content that I post. 🤷‍♀️ I know people would say "Maybe you should've blocked him", but to me, at least he isn't that freaking Yessy kid that I encountered within the past.

P.S. Not trying to be mean here, but there are some neurodivergent folks out there that I can not stand as somebody who's also neurodivergent for myself (especially that I have OCD here).

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