Thursday, September 26, 2024

Some More Various Shots of Avenger Chuck from Some Commercials...

 Yep, it's time to share more shots of him again! I know I don't usually credit people's own screenshots that weren't taken by me from certain movies, cartoons, etc. since I feel like you don't have to (unlike fanart is on how that stuff can be likely stolen for the worst nowadays), but at least I'm not like that Jasmine Samone person that's in various Sailor Moon FB groups who casually doesn't credit artists at all and loves to post some AI shi-stuff for some reason. Especially when I tried to tell her about that like a few times as I can remember so far and most likely she just didn't care about it.

And I know she tends to pick off random images off the internet of official which isn't anything new to a lot of us by now. Even she freakin' used to cuss at me for posting something off topic that she did was rude to me within the comments section in a way as she REALLY used to post stuff related about that live-action "The Little Mermaid" movie that Disney released within their live-action catalog that was in a certain Sailor Moon group (that was in a different language rather than English that you'll commonly find) that I'm not in anymore with little to no reason. All I was trying to say that it was a off-topic post that I was trying to warn her about if she keeps doing that stuff and she was like: "stfu" to me. 🙄 It also happened like a few years ago when that happened and I also don't got any screenshots on me. 🤷‍♀️ Aside from that, the many screenshots that already exist that I added onto some of my Avenger Chuck posts are from random sites such as Pinterest, Tumblr, Reddit, and etc...

So, here's this one that's from a unique kind of commercial... Even the little song from that commercial reminds me of that freakin' "the deals are in the house" song if that's ever from ABC Warehouse if I'm not mistaken as it has that same kind of tone to it:

From the "Kid Check" commercial:

Yeah, I wouldn't recommend by using bubble wrap to "protect your home" like that. But it was kind of funny to see on how the bubble wrap to be use as a bit of toilet humor on how it sounds like somebody's farting. 😂 Even I'll take that anyday over the fart jokes and poop jokes that kids have nowadays! 😆 And for me, using bubble wrap can be like a nice stimming thing to get your hands on whenever you can get within those online packages from Amazon for a moment before you throw it away.

Anyway, this screenshot here is from "You & Your Dog"... Nice to see Chuck and the one kid play some car games over there!

Aside from that one, here's this one that's from the Playhouse Disney funding bumper that has the extended footage from that soccer theme commercial called: "Goalie" that I already posted about but not this certain screenshot here until just now:

And speaking of another commercial that I already posted about, this certain screenshot here is from the "Mask" commercial but it's just a different frame of Chuck doing that sly thing with the eyebrows:

As for this one, this is from that "Tree" commercial on where he does this long and  t h i c c  neck right after some kid rang the token bell from there:

Just a hilarious shot of him that I just love! 😂😊 

Kinda reminds me of Kaa the snake from "The Jungle Book" 1967 movie  going: "Yes, yes? Who is it?"

Anyway, as for this one up next, it's gonna be two instead of one this time as it's from that "Energy" commercial that I already posted like a few of them but not these two until now:


And for these other three shots, it's from that "Boy Band" version of that "Choose Your Cool" commercial:

Who wouldn't want to see my precious boy boogie down with that look?

Aside from that, this is from the very last "Avenger" era commercial called: "Chuck Rocks"... At least he ended off with a better and happier bang unlike that Animaniacs 2020 reboot treated us:

And I feel like this one commercial could be referencing that "Larger Than Life" song on how Chuck is just unusually bigger than the building that's behind him just like on how Mr. Munch got pretty big for his own size!

Anyway, for this time around I actually got some of my own screenshots from a certain YouTube video that had a bunch of the "Avenger" era commercials and this is from that "Falling Piano" one that I didn't see that much screenshots out of that other people had aside from myself at the moment:

Love his face in this one... 👆

Rare hatless Chuck, hatless Chuck!!!  👆

adorkable 👆


✨ precious boy ✨ 👆

Also love him for doing that raised pinky thing as he was adjusting his cap there.

So, that's all I got for now until the next post arrives for these kinds of commercials... And probably I'll be doing more screenshots of my own based off of these commercials soon.

🟢🟡🟢 End of post~ 🟢🟡🟢

Edited on Oct. 16th, 2024...

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