Thursday, May 9, 2024

What If Avenger Chuck Sang His Own Version of Anamanaguchi's Miku Song?

 Yeah, this song got recently stuck inside of my head recently and I've heard of the song for a while now (like years from now as I'm saying). I thought that this would fit Avenger Chuck in some way if it was about him instead of Miku. This would also mean to change up some of the lyrics from the original song. And let's talk about the creepy part at the end before I show my lyrics down below. That creepy part like the laugh at the end will certainly be changed (since it would make little kids awfully scared if they stayed faithful to the OG song, and it may seem out of context at worst). Plus, the rapping part towards the end will also be changed to make it less scary (like getting rid of that "deep-like Satan" voice that synchronizes Miku's rapping in the background to replace that with Mr. Munch synchronizing the rapping part with Chuck as a back-up vocal).

The lyrics on what I got so far...

Chuck E, Chuck E, you can all me Chuck E.

Gray fur, two ears, hiding in your TV

Open secrets, anyone can find me

Hear your music running through my mind

I'm thinking Chuck E, Chuck E. (doo-wop-dee) 4x

I'm on top of the world as I wanna be

All I wanted to do is make it free

I will make this place as it's meant to be

I will make this place

I'm thinking Chuck E, Chuck E. (doo-wop-dee) 4x

Chuck E, Chuck E, what's it like to be me?

20, 13, *spoken* "Say, who could that be?"

*resumes back to singing* Play me, fool me, make me feel like 'supermouse'

You can do anything you want

[Perhaps this is where Mr. Much or Jasper T. Jowls come in to do this part while Chuck gets back singing the other part of the verse.]

I'm on top of the world as I wanna be

All I wanted to do is to make it free

I will make this place as it's meant to be

I will make this place

[Chuck takes the mic as it's his turn.]

I'm on top of the world as I wanna be

I do something as that they could never ski

You all look around as you can see

You all look around

I'm thinking Chuck E, Chuck E. (doo-wop-dee) 4x

[Before the rap part begins, I like to imagine Chuck saying: "I like this part!" as non-singable dialogue and it's a reference to Janet Jackson's 'Nasty Boys' song. And this is also where Mr. Munch comes in to do the back-up rapping alongside Chuck who's also doing the rapping as the main vocal.]

Where we were walking together? I will see you in the end

I'll take you where you've never been, then bring you back again

Listen to me with your eyes, I'm watching you from in the sky

If you forget I'll fade away, I'm asking you to let me stay

So bathe me in your magic light, and keep it on in darkest night

I need you here to keep me strong, to live my life and sing along

I'm lying with you wide awake, like your barn owl who would take

You found me here inside a dream, walk through the fire straight to me

[Song just ends there as there's no creepy laugh or ongoing static noises afterward unlike the OG song had. And make up your own spoken dialogue if you want me to add in there.]

Other references are the "20, 13" being the debut year of the newest incarnation of the titular mascot being called: 'Rockstar Chuck' who had quite a makeover compared to the other incarnations that some people felt uncomfortable or straight up disliking the design within the Chuck E. Chesse fandom that I've heard about. To me, I just think he's just... okay? 🤷‍♀️ I get it that Avenger Chuck was better in some way as he had quite the fluid traditional animation and the unique expressiveness with those eyebrows that he has (not to mention that he kept the New Jersey accent like the other incarnations do despite sounding younger at some point). And I can see why that the 'Rockstar' incarnation can be off-putting for some people. This is probably why I had to put "Say, who could that be?" as Avenger Chuck would question that something like that in the vein of meta humor.

UPDATE 6/2/24: When it comes to Rockstar Chuck's debut as a character, he actually came out in 2012, not 2013. Other than that though, I wasn't that far off as I had to make sure here.

Back to the references aspect here, on where the lyrics mention "supermouse" is a reference to Avenger Chuck's alter ego called: "Super Chuck E." that was from the middle 2000's.

The line "I do something as that they could never ski" isn't a reference towards anything but, I just added it there if Chuck was good at skiing as he thinks his friends would've done not much skiing compared to him. But that's just a random headcanon of mine. 

There are some lines that are kept like in the original song (especially for the rap part mostly).

I also thought the "barn owl who would take" as I wrote felt fitting to Chuck than just saying "expensive poison snake" for some reason.

And I feel like I should mention this as well as I imagined him doing something similar of Miku flinging each of her arms up and down to the "oo-ee-oo" part(s) from the live concerts as Chuck would have his part of his gloves light up (you know, the white spot and the sideways red line on his mainly colored black gloves) to make a shape of a "C" as he moves while he sings the lines: "I'm thinking Chuck E, Chuck E." like he has some kind of magic trick going on! He would even put both up to make two C's! And that would be cool to watch! And yeah, he has two versions of those gloves that I've seen like the pair he has that doesn't have the finger holes and the other pair does have them.

 P.S. This parody was written all by yours truly herself.

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