Friday, February 28, 2025

A Pinkie Pie Inspired Coord in ITPP: YASL!

I think I just found another MLP inspired coord recently! And I've also shared some pics to see on what the coord looks like. While this coord isn't like the MLP:FIM version, it's more like the G3 and G3.5 versions of her on how she used to have lighter colors in her character design(s) like in her hair and cutie mark.

For more MLP custom coords that I've done so far, you can check out here and here if you want to!

And I dunno what next to show ya with the next coords that I haven't showed up on my blog just yet... But we'll see!

P.S. DO NOT REPOST WITHOUT PERMISSION! This rule also applies to those previous posts about the "MyChara Warners" as well. Yeah, the "do not repost without permission" rule isn't only applied towards my fanarts here. Reblogging them, linking certain posts that's from this site, or using these photos (especially my fanarts) in private use is honestly fine in a way but reposting these photos onto other platforms requires permission first from me (if you're ever reading this here).

Requests are also open if you want to see another character wear this/these certain coord(s) like this one or the other coords that I've posted about, then see this post and comment down below there: ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ZanyOGWarnerFan's Fanart Blog & More! ꒱ ˎˊ˗: PriPara 3DS & Switch Requests Are Open! (

MINI RANT: Goodbye To Another SM Group

Since I'm not announcing that I left that one group within that exact group, but I'm gonna announce it here instead since it's gotten ridiculous in my opinion! Especially when posts like these pop up!

Excuse me, but WTF?!? After all, I don't think it's that appropriate to say that but this group is just ridiculed with AI NSFW slop! And I swear to god the that NSFW slop is getting worse and worse the more people post it. Plus, it's not a very group to go into if you wanna see many of the main characters who are basically MINORS that stayed like that throughout the main story! And I already know that they're fictional by now, but man, a part of me that's so glad that my eyes don't have to suffer through Hatsune Miku NSFW AI slop as much nowadays (as more groups are putting more bans on them for various reasons that'll might not surprise you if you already know about it). Even I'm glad that various SM groups don't allow that kind of stuff either! Aside from the AI NSFW slop, there was also those off-topic posts that were misleading news about someone dying who hasn't passed away yet and other various things that aren't SM related at all as a another example.

As for the group itself, this is what certain FB group that I'm talking about:

It looks like a nice innocent group to join in at first, but once you scroll down the many AI NSFW slop posts, you'll really see on what I meant there. After all, this isn't the first SM group that I got sick of honestly. There's also that other group that the "fake FB page" called: "Sailor Moon World" is another situation that's in a bit of a similar case like this group that I've already mentioned about. And not to mention that this isn't my first time talking about AI NSFW slop or this group on my blog.

Speaking of that "h-word" stuff, maybe I wouldn't mind it a few certain characters that are in the age around adulthood rather than childhood/teenhood per say... But I am so sick of that AI NSFW stuff that's popping up more and more into my feed that it's almost been like a year ever since I've joined into that group honestly (as I'm writing this out).

🌙 End of rant 🌙

EDIT: Oh, did I mention that the admins are basically inactive on managing the group so far? So, idk if that group is ever gonna get new admins anytime soon when you got some other admins that were inactive for a long while as the group blew up months ago.

Avenger Chuck's Smile Has Healing Powers ✨

 I know I've already used that picture for another previous meme, but I couldn't resist it! His face is so sweet like this.

Template used:

P.S. It's from that one commercial that he says: 

"You want it? I got it!"

🌟⭐🌟 I Have a Love-Hate Relationship With Wakko's Wish 🌟⭐🌟

 Yes, really if anyone has forgotten... And I know I was supposed to work more onto my AT wewrite, but part of me wants to scrap it by now since I feel like a lot of people aren't into unlike I am. Speaking of that AT rewrite, I'm gonna share some more stuff about that I haven't shared on my blog yet despite it isn't a whole lot (especially on Stella).

Template used:

Thursday, February 27, 2025

imagine having cool and avenger chuck e. cheese as your best friend(s) meme

 Same character, different clothes if you know that the "Cool" (from the late 90's to early 2000's) one is meant to be the "Avenger" one before some things were updated back in the middle 2000's such as that logo for example. And not to mention that they both have the same voice actor (and so does the "Coach" Chuck as well despite he would sound different compared to Cool and Avenger as he's older).

Template used:

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

🔵🔴🔵 pov: imagine being in an elevator with the original wakko warner 🔵🔴🔵

 And instead of Dr. Scratchansniff, you're the one that has to tolerate Wakko throughout the day! Just like within that "Ups and Downs" cartoon.

I finally got around onto making this one ever since I saw the template on Pinterest like a few months ago (if I'm not mistaken here).

Speaking of the template:

🟩🟨🟩 pov: imagine being in an elevator with avenger chuck e. cheese 🟩🟨🟩

 And to me, it would've been something like within that one Animaniacs cartoon called: "Ups and Downs" that's from the OG show. Even that one has some pretty good jokes.


Avenger Chuck E. Is Such A Good Friend...

And one heck of a cool dude too! But I guess if you're not a fan of this version then I'll respect your opinion (as long if you don't slander, bully or even insult onto him like calling him a "rat" the wrong way for example). I already know that he isn't real on how I'm already protecting him like a human being that "exists", but I feel like at least he deserves some kind of protection (alongside with his friends) on how some people are nowadays.

Template NOT made by me and here's the blank template:

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Avenger Chuck Cutie Cuff Concept Art

And this is a fan-made concept btw. Ever since I've heard of those Pound Puppies getting their own set of Cutie Cuffs (despite the fact I've never heard of "Cutie Cuff" before but I've certainly heard of Pound Puppies ever since my childhood that I also have one of the 2000's toys that barks and wags its tail that I could possibly show on my blog someday), I recently thought of this version of Chuck getting his own Cutie Cuff (since I've been dying for some "cute related" stuff for the Avenger era nowadays).

As for the eyes on how they're lightly colored compared to the rest of the stuff that's colored in black, I didn't want to mess up on the inside of the eyes too much. And I think that this concept turned out alright.

P.S. I feel like I need to get like two of those Pound Puppies Cutie Cuffs on how neatly adorable they are lol. At least they're worth getting in my book.

Monday, February 24, 2025

🌳🚪🟡 Long Neck Avenger Chuck E. Cheese Peeking Through Tree Door Meme 🌳🚪🟡

 Just a quick meme that I did, and I did certainly screenshot that Chuck from the "Token Door/Tree Door" commercial. And what I mean about the showtapes, I'm referring to Chuck's voice/Duncan's voice on how cartoonishly goofy it could be for like a bunch of the showtapes whenever he sings and laughs (but at least it isn't so over the top though). 

Sunday, February 23, 2025

My Comfort Character Is Literally a Hip Mouse

And why did I pick the one that he has the square-headed shape that his head is molded into? For two certain reasons, I'll say...

Reason No. 1: 

I recently found a commercial of him from a commercial compilation video that I really wondered (before I actually watched the commercial) on how he got that square-headed/block-headed shape is strangely hilarious like that as it's from a commercial advertising that "Chuck E. Blocks" online game back in the day (before the "Rockstar" era took over). Even I've been looking for that commercial for MONTHS honestly!

Reason No. 2: 

Remember Chuck singing that "Hip to Be Square" song (originally sung by Huey Lewis and the News) from one of the showtapes? And in case if you didn't actually know that, he did in fact sung that one from the September 2011 show. It's also a bit of a reference of that song within in the meme itself alongside with the "Hip Mouse" song from the Dance Party/April 1999 show as it's a parody of that "Brick House" song sung by the Commodores.

Original template:

Used the meme generator site and Google Slides to make this.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

~Some More PriPara Wallpapers (Mostly)~

 And these are from the photo studio from that Idol Land PriPara game...

Sophie/Sophy, Laala, and Mirei (AKA SoLaMi♡SMILE) during their "OPEN DREAM LAND!" performance.

Laala icon...

Laala and Amari from the opening...

And miscellaneous stuff...


I know it's not a lot that I've posted here, but I feel like I'm gonna post more 3DS stuff of those PriPara and Pretty Rhythm games on my blog rather than some more Idol Land stuff.

What If OG Yakko, Wakko, Avenger Chuck, and Jasper Sing TRAIN-TRAIN?

And why I'm putting two single covers of the same song, you may ask to yourself? Well, I tend to like the BOYS AND MEN version more the OG version of the song since I first stumbled the song that way and also loved the songs that they did for Shinkalion (despite I haven't watched the anime as of yet... Even I've heard about Hatsune Miku being in the original anime before she was in Jashin-chan Dropkick X/Dropkick on My Devil!!! X).

Plus, I just keep imagining them doing this kind of song for some reason... And not to mention that Chuck loves to ride on trains that he did say that in one of the showtapes back in 2002 for the "Last Train to Clarksville" song (that I can say that it's much better than the OG sung as it was originally sung by The Monkees in my opinion).

Original template: What If These Characters Sing What Meme Template by JawsandGumballFan24 on DeviantArt

Friday, February 21, 2025

Monday, February 17, 2025

All of My Adult Punis So Far!

And these stock art screenshots came from the official Spin Master PDF file that I've found that also has a certain character that was named the wrong way... 

*cough* Hapirun as "Ururun" *cough*

Anyway, here's Airun:




Not to mention that I screenshotted these myself so you can have a bigger picture of these certain Punis!

Most of My Puni Adults So Far + A Few New Sayings From That Fortune Telling Game

 This post is mostly a gallery on all of my adults so far (aside from Airun though, but if you wanna see them, go to here)...

Here's a few shots of Nerurun...

Many shots of Ururun...

Some shots of Ranrun...

Not to mention that I've found a few of these from one of the games! And if you wanna look for more translations without searching, click/tap here and here.

Translation: "Live each day with a positive attitude♪"

Translation: "Let's be careful on what we forget!"

I might do a post about the kids and the baby one of these days alongside posting about more Puni adults on my blog here.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Polaroid "Avenger" Chuck & Punirunes Edit

 Had to do it since I love both of them for some reasons as you might already know by now... Anyway, here's Chuck with all the Puni adults (AKA Airun, Nerurun, Ururun, and Ranrun) that I have within my toy so far! 

Despite I'm still collecting more characters honestly...

As for the "VHS-like" font, it's a font that's free to use as it was created by GGBotNet on FontSpace that I used for the "Chuck E. Cheese & My Punirunes Family" part of the photo aside from the other one at the bottom as that one on the bottom is from Google Slides that's also like a watermark to this photo. Speaking of that "VHS-like" font (or should I actually say: "Home Video" as it's called), it reminds me of the days whenever my mom used to have the camcorder to record stuff back in the day when she used to be around that a part of me misses that nowadays.

And here's a non-polaroid version that has no text at all!

As for the Chuck stock art that I've found, I've found it through a certain CEC Facebook page that was likely the Guatemala one... It's just nice to see this version of Chuck as if he was likely interacting with these little ones like the toy that I've gotten so far.

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