Yeah, I don't find Erin Jones's spam posting into some Animaniacs FB groups that good and the bag itself isn't that creative since a lot of it has stolen fanart in it like the Skippy and Rita 3D models originally belong to J.C. Thorton as they also made the models. But not all of it has stolen fanart on that bag's design but there's a lot of fanart/traced artwork that didn't originally belong to the seller that's selling these on Zilyprint.
As you can see, this is my fanart blog on where I post new and old fanart(s) of mine related to Animaniacs, Gummibär the Gummy Bear and much more! Plus, I don't do commissions at the moment but, you can give me suggestions (like requests) on what I can do if you want. Even I will be posting my PriPara 3DS coord designs alongside posting "DeviantArt-like" memes/journals on this very blog. And also, read about the stuff on the right corner as you scroll down if you want to send a request for me.
Tuesday, April 30, 2024
🚫 Say "NO" To Fake Products Like These! 😠
💚 Updating Jupy Gluck's Old Bio! 💚
Yeah, I originally made like some slides in Google Slides about her like in the early 2020's/late 2010's (circa 2019-ish) when she used to have the name: "Jupy Happy" but I took out the last name recently since I thought it was generic nowadays and replaced it with the word "Gluck" to make it a bit unique just like the first name was in a way. I know I already said that before when it comes to her last name but, I'm just saying it here for one last time. And speaking of those Google Slides, I'm gonna share 'em! Or at least most of them, I guess?
Anyway, here's the first slide!
For the 'Full Character Name' section, it's now "Jupy Gluck" instead of "Jupy Happy" as I've already stated before along with the name being in Japanese as this now: "ジュピー・グラック".
Her birthday stays the same.
Her age is likely to be 18-ish as I've stated before in the previous posts on this very blog. And that's changed from this old bio.
Her signature stays the same, I guess?
The 'Heritage from Other Countries' section basically stays the same.
Of course, her gender stays the same!
And this is where that I reconfigure her personality here.
Things like being hungry, magical, lovely, careful, and entertaining aren't personality traits and being innocent is more of an Archetype. While I can still have those things in her character, and they're basically just describing her character than personality-wise.
So, here's a new list of her personality!
She's sweet, kind, shy, bashful, friendly, gentle, bright, cheerful, playful, innocent, and girly girl.
When it comes to the 'Family' section though, probably give me suggestions if you want me to see that get updated or not.
Now onto the next slide!
All I can say with this one that it stays the same? Jupy can also have her hair down or have it in pigtails as she wants. Perhaps I'm just not that good describing on what the character wears. 🤷♀️ Despite I'm trying my best here.
Onto the next slide coming up!
Despite not being a self-insert kind of character (that's more of Stella Armstrong's side I'll say), Jupy shares a lot of interests with me! And speaking of those interests, they basically stay the same. The same can said with the 'Dislikes' section along as well.
With this slide here, it's basically silly stuff on what I'm describing here:
And a part of that has to be changed because the "wavy lines" that do appear whenever Jupy's stomach growls isn't always 'pastel-colored' sometimes. It can be different colors rather than just that though. Other than that, this slide basically stays the same for the most part.
Aside from that slide, here's this one!
Don't know who originally created that pastel stars divider (in the middle) but I think it original came from DeviantArt if I'm not mistaken. But there's also Winnie the Pooh (right corner) and Proro Tear from Luminary Tears (left corner)! And this one basically stays the same.
And the last slide that I'm not going to show here for some reason is that I claim her to be cartoon and part anime/manga in her original bio.
I know that there wasn't a whole lot of updates here, but it's been a bit of a while that I had to update anything to her old bio while sharing the old slides. And like I said, I don't mind suggestions to update more on her own character in the future!
So, see you later next time!
Monday, April 29, 2024
My Pastel Gothic Coord in PriPara: Mezameyo! Megami no Dress Design + Cyalume Coord Pics
Well, here's this one coord! And I'm not the biggest fan when it comes to the pastel goth stuff, but sometimes I do like the aesthetic of it!
🌈 And here are the cyalume coord pics! 🌈
Plus, that coord was the 'Holic Trick Classic Cyalume Coord'!
For the next post about the 3DS games, probably just make a guess if you want. So, see you later next time!
P.S. DO NOT REPOST WITHOUT PERMISSION! This rule also applies to those previous posts about the "MyChara Warners" as well. Yeah, the "do not repost without permission" rule isn't only applied towards my fanarts here. Reblogging them, linking certain posts that's from this site, or using these photos (especially my fanarts) in private use is honestly fine in a way but reposting these photos onto other platforms requires permission first from me (if you're ever reading this here).
Requests are also open if you want to see another character wear this/these certain coord(s) like this one or the other coords that I've posted about, then see this post and comment down below there: ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ZanyOGWarnerFan's Fanart Blog & More! ꒱ ˎˊ˗: PriPara 3DS & Switch Requests Are Open! (
🟣🟡 Disney's The Jungle Book & WB's Animaniacs Are Up on My Pristagram! 🟡🟣
Yes, even Idol Land PriPara has its own in-game Instagram like 'Kiratto Pri⭐Chan' and 'Waccha! PriMagi'.
So, here's the first one that mainly features Kaa, Baloo, and Bagheera alongside with me:
That cover is from a VHS tape for the 30th anniversary for the movie. And I just love that cover so much! Even the movie too!
And also, here's the second one featuring the Warners in their WB water tower that's from the Volume 4 DVD:
Alongside with me in the one corner like that last one.
Plus, the coords shown in those two photos are the 'Mikan Blue Teenage School Coord' (せいしゅんスクールみかんブルーコーデ) and the 'Rock Style Lady D Coord'.
Sunday, April 28, 2024
💚 Idol Land PriPara Wallpaper That Has My Own "MyChara" That's Based Off Myself 💖
And the other past wallpapers also were also related to ILPP as I previously posted about them...
So, here's the original one (made in Google Slides) before edited in Pixlr:
After being edited in Pixlr:
After all, I just made this just for fun.
Another Edited Made Wallpaper!
While featuring my own "MyChara" that's based off of myself. The right one is the 'Cherry Leaf Coord' from the Twinkle Ribbon brand and on the left is an exclusive shirt if you participated in an event that happen earlier this year as you'll get that T-shirt if you were lower in the ranking as for some other idols if they were a part of the 300 -ranking system even back then, you'll get a pink t-shirt! And that's all I can remember about that one event though.
Anyway, here's the original version (made in Google Slides):
And here's the edited version in Pixlr:
Well, that's basically it here!
🟢 Another F2U Wallpaper of Jupy! 🟢
And she's basically wearing the same 'Cherry Leaf Coord' as that last post about her.
So, here's the original (that was made in Google Slides) before it was edited:
And here's the edited version through Pixlr:
In the next post that's about her, I'm going to talk about her old bio that I've made along with updating it.
Edit of My Own "MyChara"...
That's based off of myself!
The original (made in Pixelcut) before it was edited in Pixlr:
After editing it in Pixlr:
The character was made in Idol Land PriPara along with the coord being the 'Strawberry Milk Cake Coord' from the Fantasy Time brand. And it's also one of my favorite coords in Idol Time PriPara as it used to be an exclusive coord to the arcade game before coming into Idol Land.
Plus, I'm not sure of anybody reposting these ones. 🤔
💚 F2U Jupy Gluck Wallpaper! 💚
Yep, it's certainly free to use in this case! As along if you don't claim it to be yours though. Otherwise, that'll be stealing!
The original (made in Google Slides) before it was edited in Pixlr:
And after getting edited in Pixlr:
Plus, you can one of each or both as you like!
Not to mention that the character poses are from Idol Land PriPara along with wearing that 'Cherry Leaf Coord' from the Twinkle Ribbon brand.
Saturday, April 27, 2024
The Do's and Dont's with Jupy Gluck!
Just like I have rules with the requests to the PriPara games on this very blog, this is going out to one of my OCs named; Jupy Gluck as well. At least for the people that are interested to use my OC whenever they want in the future. Plus, it's gonna be set up a bit differently with this list.
And so, here are the rules:
✔️ Make Jupy look as cute as you want.
❌ Don't make vore fanart off of her! I mean, she/he really doesn't like to eat miniature humans or furries (anthro or not) for the matter. And it isn't her thing as she simply prefers food instead.
✔️ Make your own costume made for Jupy or possibly use one of these CHARAT creations that I've made for example:
Or maybe use this custom cyalume coord that I've made for in this one 3DS PriPara game:
✔️ Make her genderbent if you want.
✔️ Make her belly expand if she eats a lot but don't make it too much like his belly is bigger than her!
❌ Don't make them too sexual à la Rule 34/hentai porn since she's just 18-ish for cryin' out loud!
❌ NO self inserts to be in a romantic/sexual relationship or anything like that with her.
✔️ You can possibly make the fanart(s) NSFW but they can't be viewed by kids easily!
❌ NO shipping others OC(s) or your OC(s) to be in a sexual relationship or anything like that. And the same can be said with canon characters from various TV shows, movies, etc.
✔️ Show off her hunger as you like. But don't make it too embarrassing for her! After all, she needs to eat whenever she needs to!
❌ NO blood or gore-y situations.
And that's all I can think off for this list. Even I'll talk about more of Jupy in the future!
Friday, April 26, 2024
A Few Project Mirai x Disney Traced Drawings...
Yeah, I originally did these back as a teenager years ago but here's the first one as Daisy is in this costume that's inspired by 'Electric Love'!
It's also one of those outfits that never became a module or even had its own PV/MV transferred to the Project DIVA series.
Next up, we got Minnie wearing this outfit from 'Mousou Sketch' or 'Delusion Sketch' at it's based off of Miku's 'Mousou Girl' module (and Rin has this as well) in the Project DIVA games but was originally there in the first ever Project Mirai game called: 'Hatsune Miku and Future Stars: Project Mirai' and it also came in the other two Project Mirai games.
And the last one is Goofy wearing this outfit from the song; 'Melancholic' that I can say the same on where this costume debuted in the Project Mirai games like the with the previous one. The name of the module in the Project DIVA games is called: 'Melancholy'.
That's all I got in this post!
Nice To Meet You Mr. Earthling but it's Minnie, Mickey and Goofy wearing that one module
And I did these as a teenager back in the middle 2010's! And the module that's made for the song is also given the name 'Zany Hatsune' as Project DIVA Future Tone rolled around but originally appeared in Project Mirai DX.
So, here's my version of Minnie!
And Mickey...
And also, Goofy.
Plus, I already know that many of these old drawings aren't in the best of shape. But I do try to preserve them.
A Traced Drawing of Kuromi, My Melody and Kirara!
And the title says it all.
Not to mention that Hoshizuki Kirara herself was only an exclusive main character in the last season in the 'Onegai My Melody' anime. I'm also one of those older Kuromi fans since I stumbled upon the anime when I was a preteen in the early 2010's before Kuromi's popularity gotten bigger and bigger that she was one of those characters that hit the west side later on. Plus, I haven't watched a whole lot of Onegai My Melody either, but I will watch more episodes in the future.
Bugs Bunny & Mickey Mouse in Special Outfits for Animaniacs' 25th Anniversary!
I know we're already surpassed the 25th anniversary mark and also the 30th mark now, but these are just a few traced drawings from 2018 when I did these two back then.
I thought Bugs would have a saying about this even though it may not be my best character writing for him.
And here's Mickey's outfit for the party! I wanted to see them in colorful but fitting outfits as I tried to think of.
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