Tuesday, June 25, 2024

What If Avenger Chuck Sang Giant Dream?

 Is it just me or that dance from the official music video fit Chuck pretty well? And I feel like the song fits him as well! Plus, he should wear that shirt just like Gian/Big G has but make it "Big C" instead of "Big G"! Of course, PTT Chuck will always be the true "Big C" though. 

If Chuck ever sings this song, it'll have minor changes for the lyrics to fit the character if he ever sings in the Japanese language (After all, he does speak and sing in Spanish quite well I'll say especially if were talking about Duncan Brannan here... So, it might be possible, maybe?) or it'll be just an English adaptation of the original song instead.

Man, if only Avenger Chuck to have his own mini live concert video like Gian/Big G has! 🥰💭 *sigh* Glowsticks and all... 

Original template: What If This Singer Or This Character Sang This So by BTNFStudios on DeviantArt

Sunday, June 23, 2024

What If Wakko Warner Sang CANDY CANDY?

Man, I still love this song no matter how old this song is! Not to mention this song is basically like ten years old now! I got inspired by that one episode on Wakko repeats the word: "Candy!" from the 'Ups and Downs' cartoon specifically. After all, I had this being non-public for nearly like four years until just now on where I'm posting it here.


Original template: What If This Singer Or This Character Sang This So by BTNFStudios on DeviantArt

they get me meme + template

 Inspired by this meme going around that I see Facebook reposts that possibly aren't crediting the op who made the meme on Reddit and on Twitter (unless if I'm mistaken here): i made this meme today and no one appreciated it on twitter : r/HowToWithJohnWilson (reddit.com)

And just like with that previous version of that meme, this is my own take on the meme with the characters that I resonate the most with! 

I would've also included more characters like Goofy (Disney) or even the Chesire Cat (from the animated Alice in Wonderland movie that came out in 1951) as other choices, but I feel like this meme was getting a bit jam packed as I already added more characters than what the original meme already had!

Anyway, if you want your own version of this one meme, well, here's a template that I've made!

It's a bit bigger than the OG meme but it's big enough in some way to fill in many characters of your own choices as possible! Probably I wouldn't care if you credited me or not through this one meme template here but credit the op who started it all instead! So, see you alter next time!

Friday, June 21, 2024

Some Coord from the Neon Drop Brand...

 And who said "Neon Fashion" can't be brought back? Well, this is that one coord from the Neon Drop brand for ya! Probably I'll edit this post later on to see what the name is for that coord though.

After being edited through Pixlr:

Yeah, I did the 90's vibe here so, why not?


Inspired Avenger Chuck Wallpaper Featuring My Own "MyChara" from PriPara~

 Just a simple wallpaper really... And I know it's a bit lazy looking on how the things that I grew for the background aside from the character itself since the pose is from the Idol Land PriPara game.


🔵☁️😌 Baby Avenger Chuck E. Cheese Taking a Nap on a Cloud~ 😌☁️🔵

 Well, here it is... I drew another Avenger Chuck who's just a toddling little mouselet! But with this time, he's sleeping in the sky! And it's also a reference to both that one Kirby game (AKA Kirby Tilit 'n' Tumble) and that one CEC commercial on where Avenger Chuck is sleeping on a hammock while dreaming about going to the place that he's aiming for (if you know, you know).

The dialogue from the drawing itself was written by me to be in-character there. And I was originally gonna write; "Little Chuck naps on a cloud. How comfy!" to reference that Kirby game that I mentioned previously at some point, but I decided to this instead since I feel like Chuck would have something to say about sleeping on a cloud.

P.S. That second Chuck drawing that I've made on where it's just Chuck as a baby sine his one ear is a bit off than the other one that I tend to notice lately so, I fixed it within this drawing to be more consistent this time. Aside from that, does anyone else feel sleepy whenever you see Chuck like this? Because I do!

Kitty Frenzy from the Coloring Book Nintendo Switch Game!

Had this on my Switch ever since last year ago that I wanted to share and just like with the "Kawaii Dessert Party" one, I wanted to color it in my way rather than just coloring it in on how it's supposed to look like originally. 

🟡🟢🟣 Custom Avenger Chuck T-Shirt in Project DIVA MEGAMIX 🟡🟢🟣

 If I'm not mistaken, this was back during May of this year on when I made this brand-new custom t-shirt within the game itself. And I know I got the colors mixed up a bit here (especially on the collar and sleeves), but I almost had it! But anyway, here are the pics so far...

Songs within these pics are: 


Two Breaths Walking/Nisoku Hokou

Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder/Migikata no Chou

Gizmo (That one that I feel like it's an underrated song somehow despite also sounding similar to another VOCALOID producer's songs [AKA kz-livetune] like "Tell Your World" and "Hand in Hand" though.)

Modules used:

Urban Pop (head only)

Probably I'll fix this custom t-shirt to get the colors right next time along with doing a Rockstar version (and I know that I'm not a fan of that certain era for some reasons, but I just like the shirt the most part out of that the recent incarnation that's somewhat reminiscent to the Avenger era at least) one of these days. But that's all I got for now for this post.

Purple Heart With Two Golden Sparkles 💜✨

 From that one Nintendo Switch game and the title says it all.

Kawaii Dessert Party from That Coloring Book Nintendo Switch Game!

 Just old content that's been around in my Switch ever since 2022 honestly. And I also added my own colors rather going bit by bit on how it's originally supposed to look.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Those Two 2000's Chuck E. Cheese Commercials Be Like:

And I'm sorry for laughing while I was making this meme come alive since those two Chuck E. Cheese commercials that where from the Avenger era were probably the funniest ones that I ever seen as of now! Those two commercials that I'm specifically talking about are the "Mask" one and the "Roll Call" one. 😂 Even that "Roll Call" one got me laughing more than the other one on how the lady teacher has that face like: "oh god please help me" when the principal guy showed up with balloons that I assume that he is while Chuck quickly reveals himself to be that guy wearing the suit who also had the balloons in disguise!

Within those two commercials, it shows on how Chuck can be sly and also smug as disguising people on who you wouldn't expect them to be! Not to mention that those commercials remind me of the Looney Tunes that the "Falling Piano" commercial from CEC like the last two that I mentioned previously also reminds me of. Plus, those two commercials remind me of that ending from "Chalkboard Bungle" from Animaniacs is when the Warners disguise themselves as Miss Flamiel just to get rid of Miss Flamiel in a box!

P.S. I know that editing in the second panel is a little wonky looking, but I tried my best to fill it in through Google Slides somehow.

And I honestly love Avenger Chuck being sly and smug. 😆😂

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

I Don't Support AI NSFW Art...

 Conations a bit of swearing and some sexual stuff being mentioned for some reasons here... Sorry about that. 

After all, this is just my opinion mixed along with some facts I'll say right now. Anyway, there's been this Facebook page called; "PapelRol" who's MASSIVELY disrespecting one of the rules for this certain group called: "Miku Hatsune Is My Idol {Fans}" who posts NSFW content that's AI generated. Well, I'm not sure if this kind of content is blurred out for kids thought but, on my end, (since I'm actually a young adult here), I can really see them and I'm not buying it on how they got into this group. I mean, can this freaking "PapelRol" FB page post this kind of content somewhere else like PornHub or OnlyFans at least? And I just don't know why Facebook's not responding to this stuff, you know? 🤷‍♀️

Speaking of this one rule that I will say, this a screenshot of that one rule that's still up to this day as once you click/tap on the "See more" section along with a bit of scrolling, you'll get this saying:

Like this rule says, this group doesn't allow this kind of crap PERIOD! 😠 It only makes me think that these people in this one group that I'm in only care about Miku getting lewd-up as hell (when she's supposed to be freaking 16... fictional or not) rather than respecting the rules! When it comes to the admin(s) who said these rules, probably they're not as active as much as they're used to be since the group's been made like almost a decade ago that possibly allows pages like the "PapelRol" page to get away scot-free. So, I'm not sure if I wanna contact any of them through a PM at the moment. While it's true that the VOCALOIDs have been through with some suggestive stuff like that one song called: "Holy Lance Explosion Boy" sung by Kagamine Len, that infamous "Rabbit Hole" song sung by Miku (in which I haven't heard of that one as I'm writing this out) or even that "Pomp and Circumstance/Ifuudoudou" song sung by Luka, Rin, GUMI, IA, and Miku for a few examples that I can say, but throughout most of the time, they're not way TOO sexual at some point if I'm not mistaken here. Even with a few certain Hatsune Miku modules like the "Honey Whip" one for 'Sweet Devil', or the "Voilet Butterfly" one for "Hm? Ah, Yes. / E? Aa, Sou." that they did have some kind of those undertones as well.

But the thing is, I'm really not liking Miku wearing stuff that's a bit TOO kinky for her age or straight up being naked on screen. And don't get me started with those panties either! 🤮 Especially if it's AI generated bull crap on my screen. And I know I sounded like a bit of a hypocrite while mentioning most of the stuff that came out of the Project DIVA games but at least they weren't mostly "hentai-ish" according to my knowledge so far. At the end of the day, this is just a callout post to this kind of content being posted in that one group. So, see you later next time!

P.S. I can understand why some people can't stand AI art at times, but I don't fully agree that it can be "theft" though since I feel like not all AI visual generators don't scrape off random images off of the internet, but I can see that happening from what I've heard of so far. Plus, I'm totally against this kind of AI art honestly. Even I won't be posting AI art on this blog as much (despite I use to do it at some point, but I wanted to get back to drawing again in which I feel like has made me feel better about myself lately).

"HA! Boom baby!" But It's Avenger Chuck

 More like: "HEH! Boom baby!" to suit a bit more for this character I'll say. And this version of mine also gives me the chuckles on how Chuck's one pose looks quite similar to Kuzco's pose in comparison. 😆😂

After all, the pose used here is an official stock art piece.

Original template: [MEME TEMPLATE] HA! Boom baby! by EricSonic18 on DeviantArt

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

What If Avenger Chuck Replaces Pip in That One Scene from Wakko's Wish?

 While I did like Pip in that 'Chairman of the Bored' cartoon, this appearance from in the movie feels like a watered-down version of that one scene where Wakko and him where shaking hands together that Wakko also made that "Tim Burton-esque" face. And yes, it's nice to see Pip again in some way but nowadays, I feel like this kind of role for him doesn't suit him at all that feels like he's more boring than the Fairy Godmother from Disney's Cinderella (1950) or that Blue Fairy from Disney's Pinocchio (1940)! I mean, why not jazz it up and make the "fairy/angel" kind of character to be a bit more fun like someone who's like a mix of Robin Williams's take on the genie from Aladdin and Kuzco from the Emperor's New Groove, maybe? Well, this is what I came up with after watching two official CEC commercials on how Chuck was portrayed as a genie recently, and honestly, he's way better than Pip when it comes down to wish granting stuff! Or in my opinion at least.

But at the same time, he won't appear in my AT rewrite of the movie that I'm still likely to be working on and he would somewhat clash with Stella Armstrong for some of their similarities together so, Pip's gonna be kept in my AT rewrite after all. Not to mention that this AT rewrite that I've been working on by myself was in the works before I got obsessed with CEC back then. 

Anyway, probably this version of the scene would've been a better scene than what we actually got! Nuff said.

Original template: What if character Replaces Character in Scene by BTNFStudios on DeviantArt

P.S. And I know that template looks awfully generic in my opinion, but I had to use it anyway just to simply get this out of the way for tonight in my time zone.

Some Shots of Avenger Chuck from the "Cool Mom" Commercial(s)...

 Since I recently watched both the short and long versions of this commercial, I just wanted to post some pics of Chuck here because, why not?

It cracks me up on how the "mom" would kiss Chuck on the cheek out of nowhere in the end! Thus, making Chuck embarrassed with that face that he makes like he's disappointed onto something. 😆😅

Yeah, and I could even relate to that face though... Plus, this commercial had its own cheesiness to it but at least it was fun (that also has a bit of silly humor in it) to watch to this day. Not to mention that I love the animation for Chuck through frame by frame here! 🙂😊 After all, I don't mind many of those Avenger era commercials honestly (despite I haven't seen them all still, but I did a bit of a catch up so I can know a decent chunk of them at least as I'm writing this out).

EDIT: Forgot to post this one until now...

And that's all for now!

Monday, June 17, 2024

If This Certain Song Was Done in the PaRappa the Rapper Style + Lyrics & Dialogue...

 Basically, it's a sequel post to this: ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ZanyOGWarnerFan's Fanart Blog & More! ꒱ ˎˊ˗: What If Steppenwolf's Born To Be Wild Song Had the PaRappa the Rapper Style? (zanyogwarnerfansfanartandmore.blogspot.com)

And since I got done drawing all the Warners and Avenger Chuck in style of PaRappa the Rapper, I'm finally doing that "Born to Be Wild" song if it ever got that treatment! Plus, I'm gonna change fonts to have that kind of font on how they're presented in the PaRappa and Um Jammer Lammy games in this post.

So, here's how the rating system/different modes looks like for the Warners that I want to show off first before I get into everything else...

U singin’ ZANY

U singin’ GOOD

U singin’ BAD

U singin’ AWFUL

It may not be 100% accurate to the text on how it looked like in the games, but it looks pretty reminiscent I'll say!

Anyway, here are the lyrics for the song along with a bit of dialogue from Chuck's version:

Chuck: Get your motor runnin'

Wakko: Get your motor runnin'

Chuck: Head out on the highway

Wakko: Head out on the highway

Chuck: Looking for adventure

Wakko: Looking for adventure

Chuck: In whatever comes our way

Wakko: In whatever comes our way

Chuck: Yeah, gotta go make it happen

Take the world in a love embrace

Have all of your fun at once and

Explode into space

Chuck: I like lunch and lightnin' (Yeh!)

Wakko: I like lunch and lightnin'

Chuck: Heavy metal thunder (Huh!)

Wakko: Heavy metal thunder

Chuck: Racing with the wind

Wakko: Racing with the wind

Chuck: And the feeling that I'm under

Wakko: And the feeling that you're under

Chuck: Yeah, gotta go make it happen

Take the world in a love embrace

Have all of your fun at once and

Explode into space

Like a true nature's child

We were born, born to be wild

We can climb so high

I never wanna die

Chuck: Born to be wild

Wakko: Born to be wild

Chuck: Born to be wild

Wakko: Born to be wild

Chuck: (Giggles sinisterly) HEH!

Chuck: Get your motor runnin'

Wakko: Get your motor runnin'

Chuck: Head out on the highway

Wakko: Head out on the highway

Chuck: Looking for adventure

Wakko: Looking for adventure

Chuck: In whatever comes our way

Wakko: In whatever comes our way

Chuck: Yeah, gotta go make it happen

Take the world in a love embrace

Have all of your fun at once and

Explode into space

Like a true nature's child

We were born, born to be wild

We can climb so high

I never wanna die

Chuck: Born to be wild (YEAH-HEH!)

Wakko: Born to be wild

Chuck: Born to be wild (Yeah-heh-heh, you know it!)

Wakko: Born to be wild

Chuck: Oh-ho, yeah! That's right!

And not only it would have that style of gameplay but throw in something like Guitar Hero or Rock Band during that instrumental part as well! But that part won't happen when you're in "ZANY MODE" though. As for how many lessons there are, there's like 3 or 4 lessons in total along with one of the lessons being on par with a guitar lesson mixed with it.

And here's the dialogue that I've written for the rating system/different modes for their endings after the stage is over with...

Good Ending

Chuck: Heh-heh! 😊 Now that’s what I’m talking about! 🙂👏

Wakko: Um, don’t you mind if I come over at your place? 🤔 ლ(╹◡╹ლ)

Bad Ending

Chuck: Aw man, I can’t believe you ruined it! 😟 And next time, my friends are gonna sing it with me. 😒

Wakko: But I tried my best, didn’t I? 🤷‍♂️

Awful Ending

Chuck: Tsk tsk tsk… (一︿一) It's no wonder people like Dr. Sratchansniff don’t trust you in the first place! 😠🫵

Wakko: Wha? 😯😟

Zany Ending

Dot: Wakko! ε=ε=ε=(~*°▽°*)~

Yakko: My brother sibling! ε=ε=ε=(~ ̄▽ ̄)~

Dot: We’re so proud of you! \^o^/ 🤗

Yakko: Yea-ah! Totally! 😊🤗

Wakko: Aww. 😊😋

Chuck: Woah. 😯😐

I just added emojis and kaomojis to express them better even though they won't be added if they were actually in the game itself since it'll already be expressed through the animation onscreen.

And here's the dialogue when you gain or lose 'ZANY MODE'...

Gaining Zany Mode

1# Chuck: Well-ah… You're good to go. Heh-heh-heh! ( ゜▽゜) 😊

2# Chuck: *ahem* Ladies and gents, please give it up for Wakko Warner! 🙂😊

Losing Zany Mode

Chuck: Ayo! 😀

It looks like somebody’s been fumbling over here! 😐🙂

When it comes to those lyrics up above a lot of them were copied and pasted from the CEC Wikia on FANDOM online (since they're honestly one of the more helpful wikias out there despite the site is still ruining itself to this very day in my own opinion). After all, this is my attempt on what I wrote at the end of the day.

So, see you later next time!

What If Avenger Chuck Sang Giant Dream?

  Is it just me or that dance from the official music video fit Chuck pretty well? And I feel like the song fits him as well! Plus, he shoul...